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How to install KOK PLAY


Download KOK PLAY

  • Android  : Google Play ➔ KOK PLAY Search ➔ Download

  • IOS  : ➔ Download and install the iOS App

    • If you get an untrusted developer notification, please follow the steps below.  Settings ➔ General ➔ Device Management ➔ Click the displayed name ➔ Set up trust for this developer.


Launch and sign up for KOK PLAY

  • Set country code ➔ Enter phone number ➔ Authenticate ➔ Enter authentication number

  • Enter your first and last name

  • Enter your gender

  • Enter your date of birth (ex: 920123)

  • Enter the password to be used to log in to KOK PLAY (at least 8 digits)

  • Enter the password to be used for trading (at least 6 digits)

  • Enter Recommander Code:  48125774

  • Enter the Introducer Code:  48125774

  • Click I agree to the use of Kok Wallet and click the Next button

  • Check and agree to the terms

United KOK will explain the parts you are curious about or have difficulties in using KOK PLAY.
Please contact us using the form below or contact us via the email address below.

Inquiry Reception Form

Thanks for submitting!

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